Security of Your Data

“priMED Medical Supplies I.K.E.” respects your personal data and implements Greek Law, which is formulated according to the General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data 2016/679/EU, and generally the applicable national and European legislative and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data. Below we explain the information we collect and maintain, how this information is used, and to whom we share it. is committed to safeguarding your personal data and to taking all appropriate measures to ensure the safe keeping of your personal data. We have received reasonable, physical and technical means to protect the information we collect in relation to our services. However, keep in mind that no website, information system or internet transmission is completely safe. In case we find that your data is intercepted, we are committed to inform you immediately about the extent and content of this malicious action.

This Privacy Policy aims to inform you about various useful information, such as the data we collect, how we use the information we collect, your rights and how you can exercise it, with whom we share data, how to resolve disputes, etc.For any issue you have regarding the Privacy Policy, you can contact your Data Protection Officer either by a) email at , or b) by correspondence at Sokratou 3, Agios Stefanos 14565, Athens, GREECE

Data we collect can collect information about you in a variety of ways, our goal is to collect the necessary data each time necessary for the intended purpose. Some of the data we collect is mandatory to be able to perform our purposes (e.g. send the order), while the use of some other data is optional and you can ask to be excluded from processing and/or collection. However, in case you choose to exclude some data from collection/processing we will not be able to offer you the full range of our services, and the quality of our services offered may also decrease. Some of the data we collect is analyzed below:

Details for fulfilling your order: This data includes details such as name, surname, mailing address, fixed or mobile phone number, evidence of payment made.

Information to create your account: This data includes such items as name, last name, mailing address, email, username, password.

Information about communications with us: These data include such items as your name, email, comments, questions and requests, reviews you have made about your purchases or our products.

Details about your interests and profile, so you can get personalized suggestions and offers: This data includes items such as products added to your basket, wishlist, the pages you visit, your age and the times you visit our page.

Elements about using to improve the user experience, such as clicked points, search terms you used, and how you scroll the cursor across pages.

Things we collect from other sources, like things we collect when you interact with us on social media.

Information we collect when you contact our customer service center, where we may retain information about your call, phone, name, products you purchased, why you contacted us, and advice we gave you.

Device details such as your ip, device IDs, or information about the physical geographical location of your device. For example, when you use a geolocation service or application and you have given us your consent to share your geographic location

Some of the above items are collected with the help of cookies we place in your browser. You can find more details about the cookies we use by making click HERE.

How we use the information we collect

The processing of your personal data is either (a) necessary for the provision of our services, therefore it is mandatory, because otherwise we could not provide you with our services, or (b) it is mandatory because requested by applicable laws and regulations, or (c) executed in the legitimate interest of and its contractors. In case (c) the processing is done within the limits of the exercise of the relevant legislation, as described below, is not mandatory, and you can withdraw your consent at any time or even raise objections according to the sections “Your rights”, “Dispute settlement” and “Contact us” described below. uses the information it collects for the following purposes:

Checkout: We use your information to prepare and send your order and fulfill our related obligations, such as pricing and returns capability.

Create account: To create an account on our website, we use personal information such as email and password.

Provision of personalized services: By collecting information about your preferences, we have the ability to provide you with product suggestions that match your profile and also personalized offers. We can also offer you gifts and benefits that only concern you, for example by using discount vouchers.

Communications: To be able to communicate with you and to offer you improved communication services, we use data such as your contact information, questions you have asked in the past or products you have purchased.

Competitions: Your participation in the competitions requires the processing of your personal data in order to contact you in case you become the winner. Additionally, we name all the winners of the competitions on our website and/or on social media, without posting any other personal information such as phone or email.

Offers updates: We use your personal information to send updates about offers that can sometimes be personalized. The update can be done through newsletter, sms/viber, push notification, social or other networks.

Improve and develop the systems and services we offer you: For example, by identifying specific pages on our website where you have problems, we can fix those problems. In addition, we may ask you to participate in a satisfaction survey in order to better understand the quality of the services provided.

To comply with our National and Community legislation: For example, in order to be able to invoice and maintain the pricing data according to the requirements of tax law.

We use personal information for marketing actions, so that we inform our customers about our latest products and services and personalize their experience. This information may be used for ads you see on other websites, including Facebook and Google.

Your permissions

You have the following permissions on your personal information:

Right Of Access – Information: You have the right to obtain information about whether we are processing your data, what data we have collected, to whom we communicate it, the purpose of processing and how long we will keep it.

Right to rectify incorrect information: You have the right to ask us to correct information about you that is inaccurate or even to fill in additional information. You can exercise this right yourself by logging in to your account and correcting the corresponding fields of your profile.

Restrict Editing Permission: You have the right to request that we restrict or even exclude the processing of your personal data.

Portability: You have the right to ask us to receive your personal data or to transmit it to another organization on your behalf.

Right To Erasure – Forgetfulness – Withdrawal Of Consent: You have the right to request in writing that we delete your personal data, as long as there are no legitimate reasons that prevail over your right (e.g. tax and commercial legislation). You also have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data, without however affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its revocation.

Right not to receive marketing actions: You have the right to request to receive no updates for marketing actions.

How to exercise your rights

To exercise your rights, you can submit a written request to the Data Protection Officer either by a) email at , or b) by mail at Sokratou 3, Agios Stefanos 14565, Athens, GREECE. Especially for your right not to take marketing action, you can also send a request to email or alternatively:

  1. a) to avoid receiving email (newsletter) you can click on the relevant deletion option from the relevant list available in each newsletter;
  2. b) to avoid receiving viber marketing messages you can block from within the viber application by selecting Unsubscribe;
  3. c) to avoid receiving push (push notifications) advertising messages, you can choose this option from your browser.

We inform you that for the protection of your personal data, we may ask you to verify your identity before proceeding with any request you make to us. If you have authorized a third party to make a request on your behalf, they will be asked to prove that they have your permission.

Replies to your requests shall respond to all requests related to personal data within one month at the most. In the event of an exceptionally heavy workload or technical difficulty in responding, shall inform you within the above period in order to obtain an extension of a further two months.

How long data should be kept

We retain your personal information for as long as is reasonably necessary for the various purposes set out in this policy or for compliance with other applicable laws and regulations regarding the mandatory retention of certain types of information. For example, we will retain the data as long as you have an account with With regard to data referring to product markets, it is likely that we will keep them longer in order to comply with our legal obligations (such as tax and trade legislation and for guarantee purposes).

Who we share the information we collect with

Your data is accessible to the absolutely necessary staff, who are committed to confidentiality; does not share your personal information with third parties. However, we may share your information with our partners who provide transportation, advertising, statistics or research, communication, conducting competitions and supporting our website or commercial program and always in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. Our partners are prohibited from using or communicating the above information for any purpose other than providing services on our behalf. In the event that our business is sold or transferred, we may transmit information we have collected and stored, including customer information, to any party involved in the sale or transfer. Finally, there is the case that is obliged by law or by judicial or other competent authority to publish your personal information.

International data transmission

Your personal data that we collect and process are stored in servers located in Greece. In addition, some recipients of the data we share your personal information with may be in other countries. Legislation in these countries may not provide the same level of data protection. However, when we transfer your personal information to recipients in other countries, including the United States, we are committed to taking all possible measures to protect it in accordance with this Policy and applicable law. For this reason, uses various legal mechanisms, such as standard EU contractual clauses. to ensure that your rights and precautionary measures apply to your data when transferred and that authorized processors of your data comply with basic data protection principles relating to fair management and ensuring adequate protection of personal information.

Links to other locations’s website may contain links (links) to third parties websites that it does not manage or control itself. We are working on the external links that are on our website to follow the same high standards of protection of your personal data as, however, we are not responsible for the content, security or privacy practices of any third party site other than In order to be informed about the privacy policy of these websites you need to read their relative protection policy.

Dispute resolution

If you feel we are unable to resolve issues that you have and believe we are violating your right, you can go to the Online Dispute Resolution Platform as provided in Article 14 of Regulation 524/2013. More information can be found at In addition, you can contact the Ombudsman at .

Finally, if you consider that we are violating your personal data, you have the right to address or complain to the Authority for Personal Data Protection (Kifissia 1-3, Athens, T.K. 11523 or on the phone 2106475600, email: ).

This does not restrict the rights that you and we have to resort to the competent courts.

Contact Us

If you have questions or wish to exercise your rights regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact your Data Protection Officer either by a) email at , or b) by correspondence at Sokratous 3 , Agios Stefanos 14565, Athens, GREECE PriMed Medical Supplies IKE

Privacy policy changes reserves the right to modify this privacy policy. The most recent amendment is always valid. You should review this policy regularly to keep up with the latest update.